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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jobs Jobs Jobs

Everywhere I turn, there's something talking about money or the state of the economy.  Money and jobs are great attention-getters.  And that's what the goal of this blog and other Harvest House publications are- to get attention and spread information.  So, this post is a bit about money and jobs.

The New Hope Education Center was designed to help improve lives of those living in East Side Buffalo, as well as Buffalo in general.  I think we can all agree that money is a necessity, for better or worse, to live a healthy lifestyle.  In designing the center, classes were selected with great job outlooks for the next decade:  things like, Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Personal Care Aide (PCA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), etc.  The US government has researched these jobs and thinks that they have good outlooks for the forseeable future.  That's why I was happy to see that the government's promise on job security seems to be true.

I conduct a lot of conversations with students 3 months after they have completed a course.  I check-up to see if they've achieved their goals, what has stood in their way, and what we can do to improve what Harvest House offers.  One student responded, saying he will be working as an LPN team leader; he is going to ECC in the fall to begin their Registered Nursing program.  He continued by praising our LPN instructor, saying he felt very comfortable at his job doing things that the other LPNs had not even seen yet.  His response was a tremendous gift and encouragement to keep doing what we're doing here.

What other jobs or programs do you see working well and leading to jobs?  Are they all in the medical field?  Let me know- we are working on expanding, and we would love to bring in more great, effective programs!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Giving Back

Some people know how to give, but not how to receive.  I have a fear that if I give, someone might take too much.  That's a fear that I see in the business of giving.  Many times, I am forced to decide who I will give to, and how much.  At Harvest House's Baby and Children's Ministry, I must make sure that a person receives clothes, but leaves enough so that all may benefit.  At Good Neighbors Health Care, we give our services to those without insurance.  New Hope Education Center has chosen to teach adults.  There is a lot of giving through Harvest House, but we have rules in place so that our giving will have the maximum positive impact. 

A recent event in New Hope Education Center's Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) class has given me a refreshing outlook on joyful giving.  The LPN class decided to organize a community health fair- this was all the students' idea and effort, all credit goes to them.  The health fair itself did not impress me; but, the eagerness to share did.  Students rapidly added more and more that they wanted to share in this event- all that they had learned was coming back.  Students will be teaching about how to improve and check your health.  I recommend that you come join our health fair and experience a joyful giving back of all our LPN students have learned.  Students will be teaching our community- there's even going to be a Yoga demonstration.  I will be there- giving blood, and trying not to pass out.

New Hope's LPN students waiting to interview at our career fair
New Hope's health fair will take place on Thursday, July 21st, 2011 from 10am to 1pm.  LPN students will be presenting information regarding health and wellness.  There will be a blood mobile for anyone who would like to donate blood.  Refreshments and prizes will be given.  The health fair will be located on 175 Jefferson Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14210.