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Friday, July 29, 2011

Fond Farewell

When I walked into Harvest House, I didn’t know what to expect.  I had done all of the research I could; I read Linda’s book.  I read all the information on the website.  But, that doesn’t give a full depiction of what it is like to work or volunteer for Harvest House.   Then, I started seeing both buildings and meeting volunteers.  I started taking clients at the Baby and Children’s Ministry.  I started to get an idea of how things worked.  But, I still didn’t know what my day-to-day job would be.  My work as the education liaison at New Hope Education Center has been defined and redefined over my past year of work.  I began my job trying to introduce myself to all the classes at New Hope.  Pretty soon, I became known as “that guy that helps with stuff.”  Thankfully, I began building relationships with students and volunteers so that I became known as just “Cameron.”  I worked to ensure that students were able to succeed in their classes- in whatever way I could help out.  I wrote letters for them; I tutored them; I talked with them; I let them know about services in the area that could help them with child care, transportation, domestic violence, etc.  But, I received just as much as I gave.  I was impressed by many of our students- by the 60-year-old man who worked the night shift as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), and then came straight to a Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) class that lasted from 8:30am-2:30pm.  Talk about fortitude.  Many of our students are that mentally tough- they have multiple kids and responsibilities.  As a man with no children, it was my privilege to take on a year of service with Harvest House; not many have that opportunity.  Many would like to, but have to make money right away to support a family.  And New Hope provides a second chance for many people, a second chance at an education.  It was also my pleasure to help enroll patients at Good Neighbors for free or reduced price medications.  It was very rewarding, and allowed me to meet other amazing people.  That job is now being done by terrific pharmacists, and I am glad that it will continue to be done for the years to come.  I like the variety in my job and the variety of Harvest House.  I am inspired by the vision and willingness of Harvest House to give more- to address the complex needs of our community.  I have been given a gift, seeing the complexity and value of each person- whether they be a volunteer or a client/patient/student.  We all shift between roles- today I am working for Harvest House.  Tomorrow, I may need another chance at an education, clothes for my children, or medical care although I do not have insurance.  I am extremely grateful for all that Buffalo and its people have given me, and I will take those gifts and memories with me.  My one request is that you stop and look at all that you have been given.  This is part of my thank you note to everyone at Harvest House.  But, my ultimate thank you will be in the way I continue to live my life in a way that would make all those at Harvest House proud.
